Role and duties of a surgical oncologist

History of Surgical Oncology

Surgical oncology, as a specialised method of surgery for cancerous tumours, has evolved since the last three decades. Surgery is usually considered to be the most effective method of treatment of cancer. Ephraim McDowell undertook the first reported cancer surgery for ovarian tumour in 1809.

Who is a Surgical Oncologist?

Surgical oncologists specialise in the treatment of malignant neoplastic disease, with in-depth knowledge and expertise to perform the standard and advanced procedures as considered necessary for each patient. An accomplished surgical oncologist not only possesses the ability to diagnose tumours but has adequate knowledge in haematology, pathology, medical oncology and radiation oncology. Surgical oncologists, when considered necessary, refer patients to radio therapists for tests, and ensure appropriate multimodality care. This, in turn, aids in undertaking the accurate line of treatment. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Amish Dalal has successfully diagnosed and treated patients with cancer.

Multidisciplinary Management of Cancer

As discussed above, surgical oncologists referring patients to radio oncologists denote the multidisciplinary management of the treatment. Solid malignancies can be treated successfully simply through therapy alone, when detected during the early stage. However, in addition to standard therapy treatment, surgeries are indicated in advanced stages. This supports the argument that surgery is usually opted as an effective method in the treatment of cancer. Dr Amish V Dalal, a Surgical Oncologist, is renowned for his expertise in conducting cancer surgeries.

An Overview of the Role of a Surgical Oncologist

The role of a surgical oncologist primarily spans over four areas:

  • Exploring the scope of effective treatment solely through therapy, especially in early stages, which may avoid the need of a resection (removal of a tumour through surgery)
  • Excision of malignant tumours
  • Removal of malignant lymph nodes at the time of surgery
  • Treating any cases of recurrence of the disease

A study of the complete history of a patient and physical examination during consultation helps the surgical oncologist to assess the medical condition of the patient and decide upon the line of treatment, that is, whether it is treatable through therapy alone, or it warrants resection. If managed through surgery, a combination of post-surgical treatment including radiotherapy and chemotherapy is generally followed.

An acclaimed surgical oncologist is adept with removing cancer tumours and a portion of surrounding tissue, which may not look infected macroscopically but carries the risk of being malignant, which may be detected microscopically. This procedure usually helps in preventing the disease from spreading to other parts of the body and recurring in the future. In the case of borderline resection, the oncologist conducts a surgery, referred to as ‘Debulking’, to remove as much tumour as is considered possible and follow-up with post-surgery therapy to relieve pain. Amish Dalal, a renowned Oncologist, is proficient with conducting gynaecological oncological surgeries, after analysing the nature, location and stage of tumours.

Methods of Surgery

The method of surgery followed by the surgical oncologist depends on the location and stage of the disease, as well as other factors including health condition and fitness of the patient. Doctor Amish Dalal has the necessary expertise in the following methods of cancer surgery:

  1. Open Surgery
  2. Laparoscopy, depending on the patient’s medical condition and financial resources
  3. Robotic Surgery

Doctor Amish Dalal, with his knowledge in his field of specialisation and along with the state-of-the-art surgical equipments, is able to provide world-class management of the disease. Dr. Amish Vasant Dalalalso conducts Robotic Surgery – one of the most advanced surgical methods in the field of medical science. The surgery provides the surgeon the advantage of 10x magnification along with a 3D view while operating. This method of surgery not only reduces pain considerably but also ensures speedy recovery as compared to Open Surgery.

Role Of A Surgical Oncologist Post-Surgery: Reconstructive Surgery

Many patients, in cases where oncological surgery may have had a disfigurative impact on body aesthetics, may opt for a reconstructive surgery. Reconstruction that follows close to the heels of the oncological surgery is known as ‘Immediate Reconstruction’. Reconstructive Surgery can also be undertaken a few weeks or months later, and is referred to as ‘Delayed Reconstruction’. In such cases, the patient is referred to a plastic surgeon for ‘Oncoplastic Surgery’.

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